Ensuring Event Safety: The Resiliency Initiative's CEO, Andrea Davis, Shares Crucial Tips in USA Today Interview After Taylor Swift's ERAs Tour Incident
Following the recent tragic events at Taylor Swift's ERAs Tour, USA Today interviewed TRI's President and CEO, Andrea Davis, about changes venues should make to ensure the safety of their guests. Here are Andrea’s tips:
Define weather thresholds: when is it too hot or the weather too bad to move forward? Connect with a local meteorologist a few days before the event.
Have safeguards in place if the heat increases or the weather worsens:
Ensure adequate water stations.
Place misters and cooling stations around the venue.
Have first aid tents with necessary supplies and NARCAN available.
Have AEDs, Stop the Bleed kits, and fire extinguishers accessible throughout the venue.
Train event staff on basic first aid and CPR.
Coordinate with local first responders and emergency management professionals to review the venue’s emergency plans and ask if they will set up command centers.
Ensure all event staff know how to look for guests in distress.
Review and update emergency plans, make sure they are tested, and staff trained- a minimum of three months prior to a large event. Basics should include- how to evacuate large populations of people, how to shelter in place large populations and what are the active threat (shooter) protocol. Work with local responders to update and test plans. I recommend a walkthrough of the full event with different emergency scenarios at least a week before the event.