Winter Weather Preparedness: TRI’s CEO Andrea Davis Offers Expert Insights in Forbes on Safeguarding Businesses and Employees
TRI's President and CEO, Andrea Davis, was quoted in Forbes on how businesses can prepare themselves for winter weather.
"There are five steps business leaders should take now to prepare their companies and employees for severe winter weather...
Identify your organization’s critical functions and formulate contingency plans to address disruptions to essential operations.
Conduct an inspection of all office locations to ensure they are weather-proofed.
Stay informed by following local emergency notifications from authorities; enroll in local emergency notification systems managed by county or local offices of emergency management agencies.
Establish an effective process for notifying employees and others. Depending on the size of the company, consider simple methods such as manager-led private chat groups, call-down lists, or investing in a crisis notification system for larger enterprises.
Provide employees with winter preparedness tips and resources from FEMA, the Red Cross, and other authoritative sources."