At TRI, we believe philanthropy bolsters a community’s resilience on a micro and macro level. This fuels our steadfast commitment to supporting philanthropic endeavors in the US and abroad.
Board Service
TRI staff have donated 2,000+ hours to board leadership for organizations like the Institute for Diversity & Inclusion in Emergency Management (I-DIEM) and the Dr. Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society.
Philanthropic Giving
TRI has donated and helped raise over $72,000 to benefit organizations like The Resilient Foundation and The American Red Cross Northwest Arkansas Chapter.
Disaster Response
TRI staff have responded to disasters like Hurricane Ian and the Maui Wildfires with organizations like CultureAid NOLA and Project:Camp.
TRI staff have volunteered 500+ hours to distribute food with organizations like CultureAid NOLA and to mentor aspiring emergency managers through the Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII) and California Women in Homeland Security.
Crisis Planning
TRI has provided pro-bono disaster planning services to organizations like ImagineWaterWorks and Project:Camp.
Promoting Life Safety Training
TRI is currently sponsoring 10 elementary schools in rural India to receive critical life safety training through The Resilient Foundation.
About The Resilient Foundation
Based in India, The Resilient Foundation trains communities from rural and marginalized backgrounds in emergency preparedness. This builds risk identification and first response capacity among civilians to reduce loss of life and property.
TRI Highlights
TRI’s CEO visited several TRI-funded trainings in October 2023 in Palghar, India. She hired a local videographer to collect footage of the training so the Foundation can use it to support their fundraising efforts.
The Resilient Foundation
Years of Support
Emergency Planning
TRI supported Project:Camp by providing pro-bono emergency planning services (Emergency Operations Plan and Childcare Annex development) and hosting a social hour highlighting Project:Camp’s work at the 2022 International Association of Emergency Managers’ Conference in Savannah, GA.
About Project:Camp
Project:Camp knows that the days immediately following an evacuation or a disaster are highly uncertain, stressful, and anxious days. They help parents find normalcy for their family by providing day camps for their kids that are fun, immersive, and safe. While kids have a blast at camp, parents have the time and space to get back on their feet.
”Project:Camp would not be where it is today, do the work that it does, without the consistent, endless, knowledgeable support TRI has provided our organization.”
-Mikey Latner, Project:Camp Founder & ED
Year of Support
Organizations TRI Supports
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