The Resiliency Institute

Empowering Preparedness, Building Resilience

A non-profit organization based in America’s heartland, backed by The Resiliency Initiative

Our mission is to empower individuals and communities to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to disasters, with a vision of creating a world where resilience is a shared responsibility and communities stand strong in the face of any challenge.
— Andrea E. Davis, Founder

Our Trainings

  • Resiliency Academies

    A comprehensive workshop series encompassing all-hazards crisis management. TRI offers the Academy in multiple formats: in-person, virtual, and on-site.

    Core Curriculum:  risk assessment and plan development, preparedness and training customization, exercise design, crisis communications, and leadership in a crisis. 

    After finishing the Academy, attendees are awarded a certificate of completion for 16 Continuing Education Units (CEUs), which can be applied towards DRII recertifications (CEAP number 6.0) or IAEM’s CEM accreditation and recertification (Category E).

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  • Active Assailant Training

    TRI is an official vendor of HSI’s Active Violence Emergency Response Training. Unlike other training programs that focus solely on Run, Hide, and Fight techniques, AVERT uses a dynamic method to teach situational awareness, how to react during a violent situation, and how to protect yourself and others. AVERT also emphasizes how to respond to stop the bleeding of severe injuries that are often a result of these occurrences.

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