Crisis Management Insights
Read up on our emergency preparedness advice for business owners and employees alike.
Financial Literacy and Disaster Recovery. How are they Related and What can we do Better?
Since 2003, April has been recognized as National Financial Literacy Month. Its objective is to raise public awareness on the importance of financial literacy and smart money management strategies. Financial literacy plays a critical role in the disaster recovery of individuals impacted by disasters.
Quarterly Resiliency Forecast: The Importance of a Crisis Communication Strategy
Protecting your organization’s brand is a critical element of crisis planning. To help safeguard your brand in a crisis, it is important to think through your crisis communication strategy before a disaster strikes.
I am so sorry for your loss; now may I have your loved one’s identity?
I was not surprised that my mother had copious notes and checklists of what to do in the event of her demise; she even wrote her own obituary. However, there was one thing not even my great, forwarding-thinking mother prepared for- the vultures who came out of the blue trying to make a quick fraudulent buck off her death.
Quarterly Resiliency Forecast: Shoring Up Your Cyber Threat Defenses
TRI recently reviewed Dragonfly’s annual Strategic Outlook for 2023. They project that in 2023 we can expect an increase in frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks. These attacks can come at any time and in many forms ranging from ransomware, denial of service and phishing.
Access and Functional Needs in Disaster
As Disability Pride Month comes to an end, now is a great time to check in on the work being done for those with access and functional needs (AFN) in the disaster space.
Who Ya Gonna Call? – The Importance of Employee Training
How involved are your employees in the emergency plans for your company? Do they receive training in First Aid and CPR, or how and when to use a fire extinguisher? Do employees know how to properly report emergencies to both emergency services and key internal contacts? This month I want to discuss the most critical element of your company’s resiliency and recovery plans – your employees.
“Prepare” is an Action Verb – Has Your Business Taken These Basic Actions?
Sometimes the terms “Are you prepared?” or “Has your business prepared an emergency plan?” are used so frequently that perhaps we take the term for granted. After all we DO have an emergency plan, don’t we? The word prepare is an action verb and the examples used to define it point us to some very useful reminders about developing, testing, and maintaining a proper state of readiness.
From the Book of Shamstradamus – Disaster Prognosticator
This is the first of a new series of short articles about emergency exercises and how you can improve your business or organization’s emergency plans. But first, I thought I would explain the catchy name of this blog.
How Did Your Covid-19 Test Drive Go?
My wife and I prepared for “shelter in place” as something we would do after an earthquake without power and running water. We had canned foods and dehydrated meals, extra propane, a first aid kit and a solar cell phone charger in our emergency kit. We always stock cold and flu medicine and Gatorade so we do not have to run to the store when we are sick. We were ready to rough it, looking at it as camping in our own home. But Covid-19 made us realize we need to take an all-hazards approach for building our emergency kit.
3 Simple Steps
There are three simple steps you want your employees to do during a crisis event.