Crisis Management Insights
Read up on our emergency preparedness advice for business owners and employees alike.
Quarterly Resiliency Forecast-Winter 2024
"Resilience isn’t just about weathering the storm—it’s about anticipating it, adapting to it, and emerging stronger. In today’s complex landscape, organizations that prioritize preparation and collaboration will lead the way through uncertainty." – Andrea Davis, President & CEO, The Resiliency Initiative.
TRI launches Resiliency Academy Higher Education Program
TRI launches Resiliency Academy Higher Education Program
Your Holiday Safety Briefing
1. Know Your Risks and Create Simple Action Steps
Prepare for the basics:
Fire: Do you know your evacuation route? When was the last time you checked your smoke alarm batteries?
Power Outages: What’s your backup plan if the power goes out halfway through cooking the turkey? (OR do you have a backup pre-cooked turkey somewhere? I can neither confirm nor deny doing this…)
Natural Hazards: My hometown occasionally experiences earthquakes. They’re rare, but when they happen, my family tends to panic like headless turkeys. To prepare, I always review “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.”
Pro Tip: When my nieces and nephews were younger, they loved running through the house to find the best “safe spots” during our earthquake drills. It’s a surprisingly fun pre-dinner activity!
Internet Meltdowns: Slow internet can lead to big meltdowns. Break out the old board games early — it’s a lifesaver.